
The Eruption Of The Korean War Era

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The eruption of the Korean War brought the abrupt requirement for the expansion of aviation. Helicopters and the Army were very limited in their capabilities, acquisitions of aircraft, laws in place, and industry could not keep up with the demand. These limitations ultimately were overcome because the need was required during the war. Army Aviation saw expansions of their force structure and how operations were conducted on the battlefield. The Aviation Center at Fort Rucker, Alabama was created to train Army aviators in flight training as well as develop a standard for Aviation a cross the force. Bureaucracy was overcome by Aviation leaders who saw the potential of what the helicopter could deliver to the ground force commanders. The …show more content…

With the acquisition of new aircraft, the training requirements increase as well. The Aviation Center at Fort Rucker, Alabama was created to train Army aviators in flight training as well as develop a standard for Aviation a cross the force. Through all of these challenges, the foundation was set for Army Aviation to grow into the fighting force we know now.
Helicopter Advancement
The Korean War forced many changes on the way helicopters were used. Most importantly, the medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) function was a pivotal function Army Aviation could provide to the ground commanders. The potential of helicopters on the battle field were huge, but there were some hurdles that needed to be overcome. The Army largely depended on the Marine Corps experiences in Korea to develop programs of their own (Kreisher, 2011). This inspired the Army to field the Bell YH-13 as a replacement for the light, fixed-wing, observation aircraft. In 1950, less than two months before the Korean War, the Army approved five transportation rotary-wing companies to begin producing aircraft.
Limitations of Army Helicopters In September, 1950, General J. Lawton Collins asked the Air Force to remove weight restrictions of 3,500 pounds, limiting what the Army could do with their helicopters. After a year of debates and meetings, a formal agreement between the Air Force and the Army removed the weight limitations. The United

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