
The Effects of a Tumor on the Family Members Essay

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The Effects of a Tumor on the Family Members

A tumor that is specifically in the frontal cortex can cause many changes physically and emotionally which can affect the way you interact with your family. Some of the functions of the frontal lobe are attention, abstract thought, problem solving, intelligence, creative thought, initiative inhibition, judgment, mood, major body movements, bowel and bladder control, memory and reasoning (retrieved from What this means is that you will not only experience these symptoms internally but externally as well. Family members may start to see the decline in your health and become concerned.

When diagnosed with a brain tumor it is important to …show more content…

Denial involves the rejection of even the possibility that this could be happening. Anger involves feeling upset at the world, the patient, the Doctor etc.
Acceptance is the emotion that includes excepting the situation and remaining hopeful towards the future. If some family members are having an especially hard time coping with the news, it might be wise to seek family therapy.

Someone in the family might volunteer to help during the difficult time. The effects of care giving can be rewarding and stressful. It is important to remember that one person cannot handle everything. Other family members and friends can assist with even the smallest situations. Attempting to take on all the responsibilities can lead to burnout or even anger towards the person with the illness. As the caregiver, venting can be a form of distressing yourself. Discussing ones feelings is imperative, you do not even have to speak to a professional, you can just speak to good friend (retrieved from ). It might be helpful to let them know that they do not have to make everything better but they just have to listen.

Discussing the Tumor with Children

Many people might believe that hiding the illness from children is the best approach to take. However, children will notice the differences even if they are very young. Talking to a

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