
The Effects Of Teenage Dating Violence And Abusive Relationships Among Adolescents

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Teen-dating violence happens to be one of the most common forms of violence, and it can be influenced from families, peers, or internal issues. Usually, domestic violence takes place in relationships of people between the ages of sixteen to twenty-four. According to a survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control, about four million women are abused each year by their partners and forty percent of teens ages fourteen to seventeen report that they know someone their age who is being abused by their partner. Abuse can have negative impacts on you physically and mentally and there are multiple different types of abuse. This paper explores the negative effects of teenage dating violence and abusive relationships among adolescents, and how these types of relationships can affect the human mind and cause psychological and mental issues. The Three Evils This theme shows that there are three main types of abuse, some common and some not so common. These three evils include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Physical abuse is the most common. It includes hitting, kicking, punching, and even use of weapons. Emotional abuse is also extremely common, and most of the time the victims are unaware that it is even happening. This includes name-calling, insults, humiliation, blaming the victim for everything, stalking, controlling your partner, and even jealousy. The third type of abuse, which is not as common, but is still a major issue, is sexual abuse. This could be forcing your

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