Our solar system consists of a mixture of larger and smaller objects with its centre being the largest object- the Sun. The planets with their orbiting moons along with objects such as comets, meteoroids and asteroids all make up the solar system that we know of today. Here on Earth we are just a tiny element embedded in the solar system compared to the immense amount of space that surrounds us. Solar radiation is the energy that is emitted from the Sun by different electromagnetic waves mainly consisting of visible light. So does the solar radiation affect us here on Earth? The transparency of the atmosphere to incoming solar radiation from the Sun and outgoing terrestrial radiation is pivotal in aid for survival as too much incoming solar radiation or too little could have serious consequences for life on Earth. In order to sufficiently alter the amount of solar radiation entering our atmosphere and reaching the Earth’s surface there are three key atmospheric processes that act on the radiation: absorption, scattering and reflection.
Ozone molecules absorb ultraviolet radiation that’s radiated from the Sun and this occurs in the upper atmosphere at where the ozone layer lies. This prevents the majority of ultraviolet radiation emitted from reaching the Earth’s surface which is beneficial for human life as it decreases the risk of skin cancer, damage to the eyes and immune system (Kovats, S. and Menne, M. 2002). Ozone is considered to be a protective layer around the
The ozone is a form of oxygen that combines three oxygen atoms in each molecule. Its important because its like a filter. CFCS, also known as, chlorofluorocarbons are used to break up some of the ozone molecules
Once the Sun’s energy reaches Earth it is either absorbed by something or reflected. Objects which absorb the energy convert it into heat. Some objects like green plants take some of the energy and convert it into a stored form of energy such as sugars. This absorbed energy is what ultimately drives the climate. If the energy is not absorbed it’s then reflected back into the atmosphere. This is what happens to the Sun’s energy once it reaches Earth.
Its impacts can be powerful, positive, and negative. Like everything that exists, there is a certain amount that is needed but too much can be very harmful. Ozone in the stratosphere is known as good ozone. It absorbs most of the UV radiation that the sun emits, protecting the Earth from its harmful effects. One the other hand, the ozone in the troposphere is known as bad ozone because it is predominantly formed from industrial production and the pollutants produced.
Firstly, one must understand the different kinds of radiation that humans encounter on Earth and in space. The main source of energy for the Earth is the Sun. Climate is powered by solar radiation absorption, but since solar radiation is not constant, our climate on Earth is always changing as well. Solar heat energy leaves the sun and is delivered to Earth in the form of electromagnetic waves, which transfer heat through the process of radiation. This radiation can come in many forms, such as ultraviolet, which is by far the most damaging, visible radiation, and infrared. Ultraviolet radiation has wavelengths of between 0.001 and 0.4 micro meters, while visible radiation (more commonly referred to as light) has wavelengths between 0.4 and 0.7 micro meters, and infrared radiation has wavelengths between 0.7 and 100 micro meters (Kushnir).
UV radiation, such as that from the sun can be very harmful. It has been shown to cause many different mutations within cells, leading to issues for the organism such as death or disease. One of the most prevalent sources of UV radiation for humans is the sun. It’s very important for us to know the extent of cellular damage that can be caused by this radiation, as to know how harmful the sun’s rays are to us as humans. One way that the damage caused by the suns radiation can be tested is through the model organism yeast. For this lab, we exposed two different strains of yeast to UV radiation to test its affects. One strain was able to self-repair, while one was genetically altered so that it could not. Observations were recorded at
The third factor that plays a major role in causing skin cancer is the Ozone layer. It helps protect people from ultraviolet radiation. However, the ozone layer is shrinking and this is due to man-made products like sprays and combustion of cars that are emitted in the atmosphere. This process is allowing more ultraviolet penetration to the earth thus increasing risk of skin cancer (Bair, 1991, P. 367,368). Ultraviolet radiation are the chief causes for skin cancer because the UV radiation
Ozone also known as O3, is a colorless toxic gas formed by three oxygen atoms. The ozone occurs in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, the stratosphere and in the lower atmosphere, the troposphere. The ozone can affect life in a good or bad way. Good ozone is in the upper atmosphere and occurs naturally, it has a protective layer that helps block harmful ultraviolet rays (EPA.Gov). Stratospheric ozone is formed naturally and it is about 6 through 30 miles above the Earth’s surface and it also reduces the amount of harmful UV rays. Bad ozone is created by chemical reactions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (EPA.Gov). Tropospheric or ground-level ozone is what we breathe and are formed by chemical reactions of NOx and VOCs, these reactions have been viewed by the presence of heat and sunlight, resulting in higher ozone levels in the summer. The purpose of this paper is to identify the difference ozone levels in San
The fact that it is extremely stable makes it possible for CFC to slowly make it way up into the stratosphere. This prolonged life in the atmosphere allows CFC to reach great altitudes where photons are more energetic. When the CFCs come into contact with these high energy photons, their individual components are freed from the whole. Because Chlorine acts as a catalyst it is able to destroy so much of the ozone layer Chlorine then initiates the breakdown of ozone and combines with a freed oxygen to create two oxygen molecules.After the reaction, chlorine will be able to begins the cycle over and over again with another ozone molecule. With this reaction, chlorine is able to destroy thousand of ozone layer. Because the ozone molecules are being broken down they are unable to absorb any ultraviolet light so we experience more intense UV radiation at the earth's
Solar energy and its use isn’t new to the world. It has been used by various societies beginning from 7thCentury B.C, when the sun’s heat was concentrated by glass and mirrors to light fires. Today, we have everything from solar-powered buildings to solar-powered vehicles. By and large solar technology has some environmental, economic, psychological and ethical implications for our society. Actions taken by companies and individuals to increase the use of solar technology will create good local jobs, improve our environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil while doing what’s ethical and moral for our society.
It has been proven that the Earth’s atmosphere blocks 98.7 percent of the sun’s UV rays. The other 2.3 percent that we are exposed to, have both beneficial and harmful effects. We do need to focus on the benefits, because we have way more of them. The only harm it does to our body is skin cancer, which by being more careful we can protect from. The
Scientists are studying the sun through use of the Solar Dynamics Observatory. This spacecraft orbits 22,000 miles from Earth, recording changes on the Sun as they happen. This will take place for 5 years.
National Geographic wrote the article “Good Ozone, Bad Ozone”. The article is about how there are both good parts of the ozone layer and some bad parts of the ozone layer. The ozone layer is only good when the gas is high above the ground if it is not then it can be very harmful for us. The bad thing about the ozone layer is it is made up of poisonous gasses. Approximately 90 percent of the earth’s ozone is called the stratosphere. Many scientists believe that ozone layer is being destroyed due to chemicals we use. The National Geographic was motivated to write this article to educate us on how the ozone layer has a good and a bad layer. Even though, the ozone layer is helpful because it protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays. It can be bad when the layer is depleted and
Abstract: The current energy situation with fossil fuels as the main source of the world’s energy has two main flaws: fossil fuels contribute to global warming via the greenhouse effect and they are limited in the quantity that remains. Solar power solves both of these problems and can be captured by utilizing photovoltaic cells. However, photovoltaic cells have their own drawbacks due to their high costs of installation and maintenance.
Why is the ozone layer of much concern to scientists and environmentalists? The ozone layer is quite beneficial to human life and existence. The destruction of this layer has been linked to the now common health conditions such as cancers, skin conditions and cataracts among others. It is apparent that, without the ozone layer, all humanity would be lost to disease.