
The Effects Of Solar Radiation On Earth

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Our solar system consists of a mixture of larger and smaller objects with its centre being the largest object- the Sun. The planets with their orbiting moons along with objects such as comets, meteoroids and asteroids all make up the solar system that we know of today. Here on Earth we are just a tiny element embedded in the solar system compared to the immense amount of space that surrounds us. Solar radiation is the energy that is emitted from the Sun by different electromagnetic waves mainly consisting of visible light. So does the solar radiation affect us here on Earth? The transparency of the atmosphere to incoming solar radiation from the Sun and outgoing terrestrial radiation is pivotal in aid for survival as too much incoming solar radiation or too little could have serious consequences for life on Earth. In order to sufficiently alter the amount of solar radiation entering our atmosphere and reaching the Earth’s surface there are three key atmospheric processes that act on the radiation: absorption, scattering and reflection.

Ozone molecules absorb ultraviolet radiation that’s radiated from the Sun and this occurs in the upper atmosphere at where the ozone layer lies. This prevents the majority of ultraviolet radiation emitted from reaching the Earth’s surface which is beneficial for human life as it decreases the risk of skin cancer, damage to the eyes and immune system (Kovats, S. and Menne, M. 2002). Ozone is considered to be a protective layer around the

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