
The Effects Of Secure And Insecure Attachments On Intellectual, Emotional And Social Child Developmental

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How an individual reacts and interprets everyday situations can be influenced by many different causes. Whereas these causes can range from individual to environmental in nature, the earliest of our preferences and relationships can go on to dictate our actions and beliefs. None of these are as important as the bond shared between a mother and child. As Mary Ainsworth once said “… [A] mothers ' behaviour appears to be the most important factor in establishing a secure or insecure attachment.” (Ainsworth et al., 1978; Isabella & Belsky, 1991, as cited in Martin, Carlson & Buskist, 2013). This essay will aim to discuss the consequences of secure and insecure attachments on intellectual, emotional and social child developmental. It will look briefly at children without their mother as their initial attachments, then it shall cover disorganised attachment. It shall then explain how attachment types suggest how children will react in social situations, their emotional well-being and how successful they are academically.

Produced from Ainswroth 's Strange Situation study, were four attachment types. Most children displayed traits of the securely attached type; the ability to play freely with their mother present, show some distress when their mother leaves and appears happy when she reappears. Insecure avoidant types paid little or no attention to their mother and seemed unaffected by her absence and arrival. In contrast to this, insecure ambivalent/resistant types were clinging

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