
The Effects Of Popular Culture Toys On The Development Of A Child 's Gender Identity

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In the aforementioned scenario, the educator notes her observations of children’s behaviour when popular culture toys and figures are incorporated into play. While the boys within the classroom are perceived to behave more vigorously, forcibly and loud whilst playing with action figures, girls are observed as placid and submissive subsequent to their play with Barbie dolls and ponies. This leads to educator to ponder on the effects popular culture has on the development of a child’s gender identity.
Onwards from birth, children are surrounded by and live within environments which are rich in gender stereotyping (Siraj-Blatchford, 2004, p. 24). They are given toys, books and clothes in which the media and society deems applicable to their specific gender. These gendered beliefs and practices are then implemented and shared as a child matures and can see particular traits such as; empathy, kindness, assertiveness and aggression as over or under developed (National Union of Teachers [NUT], 2013, p. 3). Therefore, it is imperitive that educators embrace, model and begin teaching gender equality in the early years of childcare and beyond.Linn (2004, p.61-62) asserts that children assimilate gender identity through play and social relationships. The production of popular culture toys and resources are explicitly targeted and consciously marketed as gender specific (NUT, 2013, p 4). For example princess toys and media characters display attributes of beauty and charisma,

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