
The Effects Of Peer Pressure In School

Decent Essays

Imagine being trapped in a situation where the pressure to conform is so great that you are stuck in the middle of being accepted or being an outsider. Now imagine being trapped in this situation regularly at school. Some students suffer the fate of these decisions every day and it can have a great effect on their academic lives. The phrase “peer pressure” is defined as “the social influence a peer group exerts on its individual members, as each member attempts to conform to the expectations of the group” (“peer pressure”). In the typical school environment, there are often social and mental pressures, such as stress and peer tensions, that hinder students from being able to perform at their greatest capacity. These pressures come from teachers and parents as well, not just from peers. Culture, social media, and diverse standards of schools all can contribute to this conformity that materializes. Although a lot of the problem lies in the students and teachers who attempt to force others to conform, there is also an even larger problem contained in the impact it has on the student's mentality and achievement. If mentality and performance are so important in school, then why do so many students struggle with these crucial aspects?
Every type of school is very diverse in their own ways, but at the core, they all have one common attribute: peer pressure. Although the pressures from each school may be from different motives and incentives, they lead to poor achievement and

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