
The Effects Of Nuclear Family On Modern Society

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Over the past few decades social scientists have been engaged debates about family change and influences in modern society, with one of the main themes being the strength and relevance of the nuclear family. Those who believe that the nuclear family unit is breaking down often site the fact that social structures holding up the nuclear family, such as marriage, are collapsing ‘The chances in some societies are now less that 50-50… that a child will live continuously to adult-hood with both natural parents’ (Popenoe 1999). Those on the opposite side believe that the concept of a nuclear family is a traditional and naturally occurring phenomenon that passes from generation to generation. Evidence exists on both sides of the debate leading to conclusion that while the nuclear family is not as prevailing in modern society as it was in the past but still holds a certain level of relevance.
Due to the question being asked being debated over is based on the prevalence of a concept breaking down in modern society it is important to understand where the concept came from and where it stands in today’s society. The concept of a nuclear family, which can be defined as a ‘social unit composed of two parents and one or more children’ (, is viewed as the standard modern family unit and this concept and perception emerged around the industrial revolution (Bengtson, 2001). While families in history prior to the industrial revolution upheld these standards marriage was

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