
The Effects Of Minimum Wage Increases On Inflation Essay

Decent Essays


There is an old cliché that say “the more money you make, the more you spend.” How accurate is this statement? What effects does wage increases, have on inflation? Lately the topic of discussion conveys the matter of minimum wage increases sparking an increase the cost of living. The individuals who would not receive pay raises; but will be affected by cost of living increases as well as labor costs, do not want to see the wages go up. However there are people scrambling to survive on minimum wage or slightly more, while other individuals struggle to feed their families every month. The other side of the debate is the wealthier population feels the lower income population needs work harder to move up the corporate ladder in order to earn more money. While the individuals themselves feel they should be making more money for the work they currently do and services they provide. In this paper, I will cover subject matter pertaining to the many different aspects that come along with wage increases. After analysis of all of the information the choice will be made whether to side with wage increases based on the opinions of individuals on both sides of the argument. Also I will highlight what will be best for the economy and in my opinion what is best for the people.
In history wages have generally been increased to match inflation, meaning the minimum wage has generally been increases to make up for the loss of spending power of the dollar

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