
The Effects Of Global Warming On Our Planet

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There is no doubt that global warming becomes one of the most dangerous, serious and popular issues in the 21st century. It is possible to identify the probable and effective solutions by means of the population around the world to reduce negative effects on our planet. Joseph and Roy (2014) points out 97% of the scientists and professionals are trying to discover the best explanations, which can prevent our world from violent disasters that can damage the lives and wealth of all nations and animals. This essay will consider how global warming worsens day by day, the consequences of global warming and the solutions to overcome it. Dijkstra, Prior, Runion, Torbert, Tian, Lu, and Venterea (2012) claimed one of the main causes of global …show more content…

Therefore, the supervisors make water emissions into the ground as a result of reducing the total costs. Consequently, this attitude can be extremely harmful for sea creatures leading to rare species. For instance, a manufacturing company in Myanmar, which specialises in producing and selling agricultural products, discard their waste materials into the river after finishing their production process even though they know this behaviour is dangerous. The Union of Concerned Scientists (2014) demonstrated scientists are trying their best to reduce heat-trapping emissions, however, unsafe and very risky global warming still exists as an important matter. On the other hand, the consequences of increasing rate of temperature will be argued according to the causes of this issue. Obviously, due to the ozone, which contains a hole in it caused by CFCs, the heat rate and grows to uncontrollable level. Skeptical Science (2012) indicated that ice is melting all over the world especially in arctic regions. Therefore, there is a continuing rising level of sea level even the process is faster than before especially in the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico starting from 1880s. Subsequently, flooding and storms have “dropped 67 percent more precipitation in the Northeast, 31 percent more in the Midwest and 15 percent more in the Great Plains than they did 50 years ago”[Union of Concerned Science (2014)] that can suffer

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