
The Effects Of Discrimination On International Students

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The Effect of Discrimination on International Students
According to Institute of International Education organization, “The United States hosts more of the world’s 4.5 million globally mobile college and university students than any other country in the world, almost double the number hosted by the United Kingdom, the second leading host country”. Hosting millions of international students who were in The United States in 2015. However, international students faced many challenges when they arrive in The U.S., such as language, culture, and unequal treatment due to as racism. Because international students faced discrimination, that has a negative effect on their psychological.
In the United States’ universities, Asian international students faced discrimination by the policy of universities. In some American university, international students treated differently than American students. According to Rhonda Sutton of North Carolina State University mentioned in his article that at NC State University international student worked more hours than an American student - for the same pay. Another problem was NC State university housing do not consider that international students cannot offer hotel room or go back to their countries or have someone off campus to stay with him when they close residence halls. This shows there is some university do not have rule include the international students as part of their society. Also, international students have complained about the

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