
The Effects Of Bullying On Everyone 's Bullying

Decent Essays

Cyril Calaycay
D. Armstrong
English 10B
05 February 2016
The Effects of Bullying on Everyone
Bullying and in its many various ways effects everyone in a lot of ways. A lot of the people are being humiliated and hurt. Victims of bullying commit suicide because people that are being bullied think bullying will not stop. Bullying is a big problem in many countries, it is a problem that everyone can experience at anytime and anywhere. Bullying can be the number one problem everyone experiences in daily basis.
Bullies think that bullying is fun. Bullies are the ones that need attention the most. Most of bullies like to bully someone because they want attention or they 're bullying because they want to impress someone. Most of people that are being bullied are the ones that are the quiet or shy type of person. Most people that are being bullied are so scared to tell someone because they think that it will only get worse or their scared to tell someone because they think that it would only make them look like a coward.
Many U.S. districts have implemented a zero-tolerance approach to handling bullies. Although this may seem to be the answer, it also seems a reactionary approach to such alarming incidents. Schools need to be proactive and find ways to address these issues in the classrooms. Socialization skills and tolerance should no longer be addressed as part of the hidden curriculum. If teachers are ever going to make a difference, these issues must be part of the daily

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