
The Effects Of Alcohol On The Body

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The use of Alcohol is thought to have been around as early as the Neolithci period (cir. 10,000

BC.) Its use is common in many cultures and is often related to ones cultural and religious beliefs. Our

society has estabished a way of living that is surrounded by the use of such beverages. With its use on

the rise, no wonder alcohol addiction is becoming more of an issue then ever before.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse’s website reports that 55.9 percent of adults ages 26 and

older have consumed an alcoholic beverage. The most at risk age bracket was individuals between 18

and 25, topping out at 59.6 percent in the past month. There are many negative factors to the abuse of

alcohol including the affects that it can cause to every organ in the body. It can also impair one’s brain

and motor functions as well as damage a developing fetus in pregnant women. Even more frightening

are the potential diseases that can occur after heavy use like, certain cancers, stroke and liver disease. It

also has a close correlation to domestic violence. In cases of domestic partner or child violence, 35%

of offenders were under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is associated with 2 out of 3 instances of

intimate partner violence. It is also a leading cause of child mistreatment and neglect parents.

The frequent use of alcohol can rapidly decline into full-blown alcoholism. Binge drinking is

also on the rise. Binge drinking is defined as for women, 4 or more

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