
The Effect Of Ph On The Ph Level Of A Solution

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What is pH? PH (Power of Hydrogen) is the measure of acidity or basicity of any aqueous solution. The power of hydrogen just means that you are measuring the concentration of the hydrogen ion in a solution. A sample of 100% pure water has a pH level of 7.0 meaning that it is neutral. It is considered neutral because of the way the pH scale is set up. The way to measure the pH level of a solution is by using the pH scale. The pH scale consists of numbers from 0-14. What does these numbers mean? Any solution that has a number between 0 and 7 is considered to be acidic, and any solution with a number between 7 and 14 is considered to be basic. As I mentioned earlier, any solution with a pH level less that 7 is acidic, well along with that, for each number that you go down on the scale, the solution is 10 times more acidic that the one before it. For example, a solution with a pH of 3 is 10 times more acidic than a solution with a pH level of 4, and it is 100 times more acidic that a solution with a pH level of 5. The same rule applies with the basic solutions; each number that you go up, the basicity of the solution is 10 times higher than the one below it. The following image shows the pH level of some of most common daily foods. When it comes to pH, there are two very important things in the world where pH plays a major role. Those two things are Living things and their bodily functions, and food production. Those are the two things that I will be focusing on in the

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