
The Effect Of Einstein's Attack On Pearl Harbor

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In Einstein’s letter to Roosevelt, he talks about how the United States lacks Uranium, which is a key ingredient to making a bomb. He knew that Germany had a strong amount of Uranium and didn’t want them to succeed before the United States. This pushed the United States even more to make a bomb which would, later on, be dropped on Japan in Okinawa. Two years after Einstein's letter Japan invaded Pearl Harbor, killing over 2,000 American soldiers. The attack on Pearl Harbor is what made the United States drive even harder to attack Japan.

In 1942 the Bataan Death March and Battle of Coral Sea were also events that help lead to the bombing of Japan. The march was about 100 miles and many of the soldiers died before making it to the end. The march showed Japan true colors on how cruel they can be and puts more hatred on them. After the battle “the United States started turning into offensive after being defensive for the beginning of the war.” This helps us grow strong as a military unit, but didn’t help in the Battle of Tarawa in 1943 because they were also offensive causing “ of the bloodiest battles of the whole war.” …show more content…

After they captured Iwo Jima they turned their attention toward Okinawa. Truman didn’t want to invade Japan because he thought it would be costly since they were order to fight to death. In july of 1945 they approved the bombs, so they dropped two bombs named Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing over 225,000

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