
The Educational Contributions Of Adult Education

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Introduction This literature review will look at the educational contributions in adult education, compares qualitative research to quantitative research, describes the "war" between supporters of each kind of research, describes how to review qualitative research, and give details on how to choose and use qualitative techniques. The history, strengths and weakness of using qualitative research in adult education will also be covered in this literature review. Most of this literature review will discuss how important the Qualitative research will contribute and inform adult educators about it main purpose for using it. Qualitative researchers seriously consider qualitative research articles will be a familiar learning objective for starting methodology courses. The learning activity in adult education will allows adults to become acquainted with the outline of qualitative research reports in order to identify the key parts of a qualitative research article and to judge the quality of author’s representations of method findings. The major literature portion of this research explains a variety of qualitative research methods and how they can be used in adult, career, and career-technical education. There have been many studies published about the inputs of qualitative research to adult education advances.

History of Qualitative Research to Adult Education The education and knowledge of qualitative research has developed over the previous thirty years and

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