
The Education Reform Movement

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Education Reform Movement
Ever since I was a young girl, I dreamed of having a career that helped people. Growing up I had two younger siblings and I would help my mother take care of them as much as I could. I really enjoyed it and decided I wanted to become a nurse that worked with infants. I told my mother about my dream, I was nine years old at the time and she just gave me a heartbroken look and said, “That may never be able to come true because that job requires schooling and any type of education is far out of our family’s budget.” I was upset to be informed that. That night I heard my mother and father saying that they believe at least grade school should be open to the public. The next day me and my family went on a stroll through the town, we stopped off at a local store. While we were in …show more content…

He wanted each school year to last 6 months and wanted the lessons to be filled with excellent curriculum. His idea was to make school free to all of the public and to do that he came up with the idea that people will pay taxes to pay for the school. He also wanted to help the teachers out by creating special schools for them to be trained at and increase their salary. My mother looked at me with joy and we both had some hope for my future now. If Mann’s reform movement works, then children will be able to be more successful in life. Mann traveled to different schools to study how they worked and seen where the schools needed improvement. He wrote many reports and took them to show the Board of Education. The only problem with Mann’s plan was they didn’t know if people would want to pay taxes to keep the schools running. So they had citizens vote on paying taxes and a majority voted yes they would pay taxes to support public

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