
Creativity In Schools Essay

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Have you ever thought about the ways that the United States government fails to encourage innovative creativity in our school systems? “The current model of education in the United States is stifling the creative soul of our children” (How America’s Education Model Kills Creativity and Entrepreneurship). It is hard to find a school system that urges children to venture out and try new things, to make mistakes over and over but not get punished for them, encouraging them to try again until they get it right. Most people associate that being creative is strictly towards artists like photographers, musicians or dance. Little do people know, creativity is all around. Anytime someone has a new thought, a way of presenting a situation that is them being creative and using problem solving to fit the surroundings (The creative personality).
The everyday classroom In schools just about everywhere, from pre-k to graduating high school the core subjects such as Math, Science, History and English become so important that they become unenjoyable to most students. If you observe a classroom it is rare to find excited children raise their hand, most sit hoping that time will pass. The government overtime has created a structure that binds teachers to holding such a structured classroom that does not apply to all of the student.With these limitations, their creativity and not engaging is at risk. ‘Passing exams is important, but it should never be the sole focus of the students

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