
The Education For Alien Minors Act

Decent Essays

Many immigrants come to America in an effort to achieve a better life, and with hopes of achieving the “American Dream”. Many adults are grateful for any work that pays, but for their children the hopes are to get an education and become what they could not. Even with these opportunities many children of undocumented citizens are finding that once they complete high school their efforts of attending college are all but a dream. To assist this population the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) was proposed by Republican Senator Hatch Orin of Utah in August of 2001. It was an amendment to the Illegal Immigration Reform Control and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IRCA) of 1986, and was an effort to repeal …show more content…

It was a nation built by immigrants and a place where those who came bragged to other across the world, which naturally enticed others to come see for themselves. Whether it was Italians, Germans, Polish, or even the Japanese all came to America with these hopes. However, with Mexico being the neighbor to the south no other group had the ability to migrate like citizens of Mexico. As cited by Zong and Batalova (2014), Mexican citizens have always migrated to the United States in an effort to better their lives. The first influx of migration occurred prior to World War II when “the number of migrant workers used by private labor contractors for agriculture rose from 105,200 in 1900 to roughly 624,400 in 1930 (Zong & Batalova, 2014). This large scale migration continued and it was because of the labor needs of the United State that Mexican citizens traveled back and forth across the border. However, in1965 changes to the law imposed the first numerical limits on the amount of Mexican and other Latin Americans that could enter the country legally. It would become even more difficult to enter the United States for work, and as the economic changes occurred more low skilled labor jobs immigrants from Mexico began to enter the country with hopes of settling permanently and this time it was not like the migrations of the 30s. This is because instead of

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