
The Dream In The American Dream

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The play, A Raisin in the Sun writteen by Lorraine Hansberry, shows a family that is barely making it by but somehow seems to make things work. The Younger family is crammed into a two bedroom, no bath apartment complex. The family was borderline poverty and struggled for money. Each person had big dreams for themselves one day, but as time went by the dreams began to fade away. “Now don’t act silly… We ain’t never been no people to act silly bout no money.” ( Hansberry,68) The American Dream was defined by becoming something new, something different, and something better. America is where people come to find who they really are. The family is trying to show society that just because they are African American the can maintain the same things a white family can. The American Dream concept matches the goals and dreams of the Younger family. The Younger family each contain dreams of their own that soon were destroyed by Walter’s actions. Mama Younger always had big dreams, but her dreams never seemed to play out how she planned. Ms. Bennie Younger wanted to prove that she was different and that being an African American woman was not going to hold her back from her dreams. Mr. Walter Younger wanted to be a businessman who did not take orders, but rather someone who gave orders. Mrs. Ruth Younger’s dream was to worry less about money and be able to provide for her family. These dreams were lost in the hands of Walter Younger. Walter wanted to give his family the world;

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