
The Dragon: A Narrative Fiction

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Not far from where Luke landed Dooly fell to the ground, his knees landing painfully on the ground. Behind him, the portal silently closed, and he got to his feet. He had to find Luke, and he had to do it quickly. He too could sense danger lurking everywhere. He pulled his robes tightly over his chest and set out. Soon he saw the familiar outline of Luke standing in the forest. “Luke! Luke!” “Dooly! What is it?” What’s wrong. “What you sense is real Chosen One. They are what ambushed our group, and took Zoe.” “They?” Billy’s eyes were distant, and in a trance and said, “Witches.” “It can’t be. The only witch that I know of is trapped in the underworld forever.” Luke morphed into the dragon, “Whose blood was shed, was it Zoe?” DragonMan …show more content…

He closed his eyes and pressed the backs of his hands tightly into his eyes. He froze, and he knew that the dog-like man and DragonMan were looking at him. Billy began to feel a sensation of uncontrollable spinning and within seconds was lying on the ground. When he opened his eyes, he could see the other two, who had concern written over their faces. He wanted to laugh at DragonMan’s expression. There he was – hovering above the ground in his dragon form, and his scaly face contorted into a frown. “I guess… we’re going this way.” Billy said, laughing nervously as he stood up. The other two laughed too – and DragonMan even sent a few sparks flying from his mouth – then he morphed back into human form and they set off down the bloody path. The forest was dark. It was spooky, the trees cast shadows on the ground that was akin to monsters. It didn’t irk Luke as much as it should. Then again, his calling as DragonMan, and the prince of Spellville, had desensitized him to a great number of things. “It would be safer if you went ahead of us,” Dooly said. Luke agreed and flew ahead of them in dragon form, leaping in the air and following the smell of blood and the scent that accompanied …show more content…

Dooly got so annoyed at tripping over tree roots and being scratched by bushes, that he took a large stick, gnawed it to have sharp edges and used it as a knife to cut down the bushes and tree roots that strayed into their path. The more they traveled, the more the forest seemed to be alive. It became denser, the bushes moved more, the tree roots wrapped around their ankles. Tree branches moved forward as if trying to catch DragonMan, scratching his wings. Until he was surrounded by thick, brown branches that wanted to embrace him. He reared his head back, took a deep breath, and roared. Fire came from his mouth, and the branches caught fire. Some fell to the ground beneath him, writhing as though they were in pain, while others returned to their trees. “Thanks!” Dooly called up to him as roots left their ankles below. “They didn’t leave us alone because of him.” Billy Bob said, his voice quivering. DragonMan looked down to see what the Billy was worried about. The withered old man held up a shaky finger. “They fled because of

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