
The Downfall Of Man And Fate In Oedipus Rex By Sophocles

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For many centuries it has been debated whether the downfall of man is fate or the result of man’s actions. This same conflict is seen in Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex. Sophocles portrays Oedipus as a prince that left his home city Corinth due to a prophecy that an oracle prophesized saying that he would kill his own father and marry his mother and because of this Oedipus left Corinth. He later ventured out of the city and came to Thebes in which he saved the city from a plague. He was then made King in which he served the city well. However, as the play unfolds we see Oedipus’ character starts to change in which this change brings about his downfall. Therefore, due to the tragic character flaw of his character, Oedipus is responsible for his own fate. Throughout the play, Oedipus is seen as very stubborn which ultimately led to his downfall. This fault in his character causes Oedipus to become obsessed with finding not only the murder of Laius but the truth about himself as well. In addition he refuses to heed the advice of people near to him. This is seen through Creon in the beginning when he comes back from asking the oracle about how to get rid of the plague. He returns and states, “If you wish these people nearby to hear, I am ready to speak, or should we go inside?” Creon specifically says this to emphasize that whatever the Oracle has said regarding the plague is not good, but Oedipus being stubborn refused and asked Creon to reveal it in front of everyone. In doing

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