
The Dot Or Ish Painting Analysis

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Getting Started… Inspire the children to create! Read The Dot or Ish by Peter H. Reynolds to them. Show them pictures of relief prints that might peak their interest. Draw inspiration from the outdoor: explore the colours, flowers, bugs, birds, and bees of springtime, basks in the gloomy colours of rain or the bright whiteness of the snow. Present them with actual articles to look at, like flowers, leaves, branches, fruit, and vegetables. I suggest demonstrating the final step of the activity to get the children excited, as pulling the paper away to reveal a print seems to be the most appealing for young children. What Will You Need? Square baking dish, cake pan, or any flat bottom Tupperware container Tempera paint in a assortment of colours Small paper plates for holding paint (at least 6) …show more content…

Let them know that they can experiment with different colours and different amounts of paint. Once they are pleased with the paint on their surface, instruct them to make a design of their choosing with either a Q-tip or their finger. If they are able to use a Q-Tip suggest they do so, as it will remove more paint from the surface then their finger (a finger will only redistribute the paint creating a less obvious design) For this next step I suggest close supervision. Provide the children with a piece of paper. If they used a plastic bag they will lay their bag, painted side down, on the paper, smooth their hands over the bag to ensure paint is evenly distributed, and then lift the bag from the paper. If they are using a raised surface simply instruct them to lay their paper over the surface, smooth their hands over the paper, and lift the paper away from the surface. With either technique children can be encouraged to attempt “a ghost print” by repeating this process immediately to remove any access paint that may still be on their surface (this is

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