Maui’s dolphin is a breed of dolphin that is slowly heading toward extinction, as they are a very endangered subspecies (1). On the North West coast of the North Island in New Zealand (between Dargaville and New Plymouth) lays isolated areas, which is where the Maui dolphin can be found, normally found in groups of approximately 1 to 5 dolphins within about 5 nautical miles of the shore. (2). Maui’s dolphin is the smallest breed of dolphins; they range in size from approximately 1.2-1.7m and weigh roughly around 50kg (3)(4). Majority of the dolphin is coloured a light grey (back and sides), whilst having a white brush of colour along the sides of its body. They have an identifiable dorsal fin as it is more rounded compared to most dolphin fins that are sickle-shaped (5)(6). They feed on small fish such as squid, flatfish, and cod, therefore not making too big an impact on the food chain. Over the recent years Maui dolphins have declined in numbers from approximately 150 in 2004, down to 55 Maui’s Dolphin observed in 2012 (7)(8). According to “A risk assessment of threats to Maui’s dolphins” the subspecies is in population decline holding a survival rate of 84% and a population decline rate of 2.8% per year, these statistics were taken between the years of 2001 and 2011 (9). If threats to the Maui’s dolphin remain as they are it has been indicated that there is a 95.7% chance that the population will decline, therefore leading it to extinction (10). This can be seen as a
On August 24th was the Miami Dolphins football game versus the Atlanta Falcons. Although it was a preseason game it was still important because, the week before we got beat by the Dallas Cowboys 41-21,and we didn't want that to happen again. So in practice they worked harder and harder Intel it was game day. When they got off the buses they meant business, they looked ready to go. Everyone sat down at there sets 5...4...3...2...1 the boom the ball was kicked soaring as high as the birds.
In Pink Sheep’s house, Homie Dolphin was playing video games and eating burritos and Mountain Dew. When these two guys were too focused on the games a hater broke in the house and took their supplies to burritos and Mountain Dew. On his way out he took Homie Dolphin’s gold necklace worth a trillion dollars.
There are five teams that are worthy of being called the greatest team in NFL history: the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the 1978 Pittsburgh Steelers, the 1984 San Francisco 49’ers, the 2007 Patriots, however the 1985 Chicago Bears stand out amongst the crowd because of their outrageous defense, popularity amongst the NFL fans, and their roster that was filled with Hall of Fame talent. According to the 1985 Chicago Bears Statistics & Players (2017), the team finished with a season record of 15-1. News analyst Tony Andracki (2016) stated that, “The 1985 Bears turned in one of the most dominant seasons in American Sports” (p.1).
Hatchet, Island of the Blue Dolphins, and My Side of the Mountain are all very different books. In Hatchet, Brian did not make the pilot have a heart attack and die so that he was forced to land the plane. Where as in My Side of the Mountain Sam purposely runs away from home trying to escape the cramped New York apartment where he lives with his parents and eight siblings. In the Island of the blue Dolphins Karana throws herself off the ship taking her and her tribe to new lands after seeing her brother left on shore. Now, in My Side of the Mountain running away from home is obviously voluntary where as hatchet is quite different because Brian crashing on the deserted island was not voluntary.
The population decline in monk seals is due to several different factors with the biggest reason due to the low pup and juvenile survival rates (Curtice et al, 2011). At the Kure Atoll on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 32 pups were observed in 1964 and 30 pups were observed in 1965. Of these pups born, all but one died or disappeared within 60 days after birth. This was also seen in the 1970’s at Green Island and Kure Atoll, where a mean population of 17 and 14 seals, respectively, was counted on these beaches, with a birth total of 10 showing a population decline of 70% (Gilmartin et al, 2011). The juvenile survival rate is still seen today with one in five monk seals surviving to the reproductive age, with one year old seals having the highest mortality rates (Norris et al, 2011).
The Dolphins are off to a rough start as they begin the season 0-3. Trying to build a better reputation, the team has been working hard to improve their skills and hopefully come out with a few wins this year. So far nothing consequential has been seen from Dana as they are yet to find the element that will take their team to victory.
The theme between the pod, can animals feel and think , and bats! is to care about others.
Randall Wells and his team observed groups of male dolphin behavior in Sarasota Bay, Florida.
I am like a Bottlenose Dolphin. In nature, Bottlenose Dolphins are known for their advance thought processing, communication skills, sense of curiosity, and open minds. Like a Bottlenose Dolphin, I have all the same attributes that make me a distinct student and individual. To the advanced mind of a Bottlenose Dolphin, the ocean is its domain that it can mature in and mold in the way it pleases. For me, the entire earth is my domain to mature in and to mold. The unique way I want to shape the future of the world is by becoming a biomedical engineer and using what I have learned during my studies to change the world of biomedicine. I will use my dolphin like attributes to aid me in reaching my goal. Once I become a biomedical engineer I will surely have accomplished my goal in life and hopefully will be well on my way to changing others way of life..
Cetacean bycatch is an ongoing problem in the oceans of the world. Cetaceans are defined as whales, dolphins and porpoises(CBRC 1). Bycatch is “marine mammals that are “captured” but discarded”(Read 2). This happens when fishing industries are fishing for a certain type of marine animal and other marine animals are caught accidentally along with the intended catch. Many times, this leads to the death of the animal that was not meant to be caught, and the animal is tossed back into the ocean. This happens with all kinds of marine life, and it has caused the depletion of many different species. However, this is specifically bad for cetaceans, such as dolphins and whales, because they have such a long lifespan(Brown 2). They also take a very long time to mature(Brown 2). These factors make catching these animals very detrimental to the species as a whole because it takes longer for them to reach an age where they can reproduce(Brown 2). The population of many cetaceans have decreased exponentially. When there is someone watching the nets that cetaceans are accidentally caught in, many times they can be saved. However, there are only select few types of fishing methods that do this, and they are not of the prevalent fishing methods that produce cetacean bycatch. This is a problem because there is a connection between most living animals. If a certain part of the connection is eliminated, it will all fall apart. For example, the relationship between
I will never forget watching the winning touchdown pass from the stands, that won the Dolphins their first and only game in 2007, I was screaming as excitement stemmed through me that day. The 2007 season was one of the worst for the Miami Dolphins; however, in 1972 the Dolphins made history with a perfect season and a perfect finish. I’m going to compare both teams coaches, key players, Superbowl wins, and win loss record. Although with different circumstances between the 1972 Dolphins and present teams, they deserve more recognition and regard from football fans across the country.
Dolphins have been around a lot longer than humans. They originated about 50 million years ago. The most common dolphin, being the bottlenose dolphin, has been around for 15 million years. Surprisingly, dolphins originated from members of the cetaceans group. Cetaceans used to be land mammals but evolved into being aquatic mammals. In From Land to Water it stated, “The transition from land to water is documented by a series of intermediate fossils from India and Pakistan.” This research helps prove how they used to be land mammals but evolved to live in the ocean. Dolphins are one out of many aquatic mammals who need oxygen, but they need water in order to live. Believe it or not, dolphins are somewhat related to hippos, camels, deer, cattle, and giraffes. In From Land to Water, “ Many features that are
Human activities are ruining the existence of dolphins. Humans are not just killing one of the smartest animals but ruining parts of the life cycle. They need to clean up after fishing, keep the greenhouse gases under control, and not hunt for them for a food source. Humans need to do something good for all life on earth and its time to start now.
Cetaceans have an important role in the structure and functioning of ecosystems. For a long time, scientists have been studying their status, distribution, and seasonal abundance through strandings. NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Services defines a stranding as a marine mammal found dead on shore, alive on shore but unable to return to the water, or in a foreign habitat and unable to return to its own habitat without assistance ( The reasons why cetaceans strand are still largely unknown. The stranding of single animals is more likely to occur because the animal is ill, diseased, or injured. Mass strandings involve two or more cetaceans that strand
The Hector’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) is one of the world’s smallest species of marine dolphin. These dolphins are only found within the inshore waters off the coast of New Zealand. There are currently four distinct populations found off the west coast of the North Island, and the west, east, and south coasts of the South Island (Department of Conservation2, n.d.; World Wildlife Fund, n.d.). There are two sub-species of Hector’s dolphin in existence; the South Island Hector’s dolphin which is found off the coast of the South Island, and the Maui’s dolphin which is found off the west coast of the North Island