
The Divide Summary

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A Critical Analysis of The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap

“Poverty goes up; Crime goes down; Prison population doubles. It doesn 't fit, unless some sort of alternative explanation comes into play. Maybe all those new nonviolent prisoners fit into some new national policy imperative. Maybe they all broke some new set of unwritten societal rules. But what?” – Matt Taibbi Summary Published in 2014, Matt Taibbi’s The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap explores the topic of income inequality and its relation to the criminal justice system. The Divide is in essence trying to capture the seemingly unwritten rule that different levels of wealth produces different treatment within the criminal justice system. The Divide explores this topic is several ways, first by investigating and exposing the corrupt business practices of investment banks and bankers during the 2008 financial crisis in America and subsequent time periods. The Divide explores the end result of these crimes, which ended up crippling the American economy and defrauding the American people. According to Taibbi, the end result was that a majority of these crimes were treated like administrative violations , as oppose to criminal violations, by the Justice Department and resulted in monetary fines as punishments and almost zero criminal charges filed. On the other hand, Taibbi examines how poor Americans, often Hispanic women or African Americans, are

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