
The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of E-Books

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E-book are extremely popular nowadays. It is extremely convenient to read e-book via latest gadgets such as tablets, e-Readers and smartphones. However, various field of study and research already proof that there are many disadvantages behind these technologies. This report has been written to urge the person who in charge our stage library to think twice before shifting purchasing material weightage from real book to e-books.

Problems identification
Recent studies from different parties already show that e-book are not as good as we thought before. Last quarter, the book industry released figures showing that e-book sales were down so far this year while print remained relatively. Market shows that the trend is more only side to e-book but printed book as well. As such, we found that there are still having something goods behind these printed books. Let us show our studies and hopefully …show more content…

E-Book are not as great as real books books are great to hold and evidently easier to learn from, according to the studies

Books are super customizable.
Underline, dog ear, scribble in the margin: these are all tactile ways of interacting with a book. They are also gestural, and gestures are linked with deep-level cognition.
As Brandon Keim notes at Wired, screen writing is much less tactile. Typing into that Kindle keyboard just doesn’t have the same kinesthetic satisfaction that carving into the page with a pen provides. Some cognitive scientists think of that pen-on-paper interaction as a “comprehension prop,” one that gets left out with e-readers.
We also need to think about the nature of learning.
Scientists scrutinizing study methods find that underlining or highlighting are basically useless for long-term recall. It’s much more effective to quiz yourself on what you’re reading. It’s an easy argument, then, to say that the physical book is much more inviting of your inferences and objections to the text — so long as you’ve learned how to read

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