
The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Credit Cards

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Nowadays credit cards are the preferred method of payment all around the world. Whether you’re buying fruits at the market to TV’s at the store, credit cards can be used to purchase almost anything you can imagine. But, like most things credit cards also have advantages and disadvantages that come with using them. Such as how easy it is to accrue credit card debt which affects your credit score. Some advantages that come with a credit card include building up your credit score, keeping your cash safe in case you lose your card, and reward programs. Credit cards can be extremely bad if you allow yourself to build up debt. It is extremely easy to build up debt. “That's because many credit cards have high interest rates, which means the amount owed can quickly snowball out of control.”(Bahney) The more money you spend with the credit card, the more money you owe the credit card company if you don’t pay your monthly bills on time. Everyday commodities have slowly been increasing in price. “One of the biggest drivers of our credit card debt is that cost of living has been outpacing income growth.”(Bahney) The cost of living is more than the income of most families. That is a reason why consumer debt has reached a total of 1 trillion dollars in the United States. You have to pay extra money if you don’t pay your bills on time. “Failing to pay your credit card bills on time can hurt you in more ways than one. First, you'll face a late payment fee”(Backman) Not only do you have to pay interest on top of the money owed but you also have to pay an extra late fee which just ends up hurting you even more. All of the late fees and interests you have to pay affect your credit score. “being late with payments is a surefire way to damage your credit score,”(Backham) Your credit score is basically a rating based on how well you pay your dues. Your credit score determines how much interest will be, whether your eligible for a credit card, and plenty of other things because they need to be able to trust that you’ll pay them back. So, if your credit score goes downhill due to late fees and interest then people will be less likely to trust you with their money. Some of the disadvantages that come with having a credit card are

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