
The Difficulty with Defining Feminism Essay

Decent Essays

The Difficulty with Defining Feminism

In Feminist Theory: from margin to center, bell hook states on the first page what she believes to be the problem with feminism. In her opinion the biggest problem with feminism is that there is no real definition of what feminism is. The definition many people have formulated for feminism is having the goal of making woman socially equal to men. hook’s problem with this is the fact that all men are not socially equal. If women are to be the social equals to men then another question would be which men women will be socially equal to. While many white middle and upper class women accept this definition, the lower socioeconomic classes can not because it does not take race and its disadvantages …show more content…

This statement interested me because it made me begin to think about how she would want to organize feminists around the world. If she believes that society will not accept an organization that is trying to start a transformation, then how will she go about taking action? It seems to me that a transformation is the eventual goal that hook would want to reach. My question to her would be, “what ideas do you have about how to go about reaching a goal through feminism that society is not willing to accept?” Throughout the reading I thoroughly agreed with what she was saying but this issue was the only one that seemed to be left open. This issue was one of the most important because it is the course feminism needs to take to reach the long term goal of social equality.

While I am left with this question after the reading I believe her real goal in writing this piece was to make women aware of the current problems with feminism, leaving alone the goals for the future. She seems to be trying to take the first step in the right direction rather than throw everything out on the table right away. This brings up the question, “What is the most effective way to reach the audience?" My personal preference in readings is to have everything out there for me to look at. On the other hand, hook seems to have found a productive way of making people more aware first. I would be interested to read later writings by hook to see the way she moves into other

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