
The Diagnosis Of Addiction Clients

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The Diagnosis of Addiction Clients Marisha Golden Kaplan University Brief Summary Report Name: Dave Thomas Examiner: Marisha Golden Age: 38 Date of Examination: August 18, 2015 Ethnicity: Caucasian Gender: Male Presenting Problem: Mr. Thomas is a married 38 year old Caucasian suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder. Although married, he and his wife constantly argues about his drinking, and she has even stopped sleeping with him when he drinks. He was recently arrested for drinking and driving (DUI/DWI), and was advised by his attorney to quit drinking and enter treatment. Family History and Current Relationships: Mr. Thomas has been married for ten years. He and his wife have two sons aged 8 and 6 years. His mother is very religious and wishes he would see religion as the way out of his problems. His father was an alcoholic and was physically and verbally abusive to him, his siblings, and his mother, whether he was drunk or sober. His father died as a result of a fight that occurred in traffic when he was drunk. He is one of four siblings. He has two brothers and a sister. His siblings live in other communities and they rarely get together; therefore, Mr. Thomas reports that he is not close to his family. His social circle consists of a few guys from the factory where he works. Current Pattern of Use: Mr. Thomas likes to drink at the bar with his buddies from

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