
The Development Of A Nation's Foreign Policy Strategy

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The development of a nation’s foreign policy strategy must be built with consideration of various components. Since there is no established world “leader”, multiple spheres of power and influence develop. One of the most inevitable factors affecting forging policy is location. The development of influence based simply on geographic location has not gone unnoticed from nations participating in global relations. In a consistently turbulent world, nations are constantly realizing their relevance on the world stage. Nations will often realize this relevance and continue to develop it for their benefit and political gain. The intersections of economic, social, political, and geographic connections result in strategy being developed solely on the location of a nation. When it comes to the importance of strategic location in relation to foreign policy, it is imperative that a nation implements strategic location when developing their foreign policy approach. Strategic location can be described as either the strategic acquisition of land based on potential political and economic significance or the recognition of geographic significance for foreign policy on previously acquired territory. Strategic location can be used as either a reactive or proactive tool to determine a countries foreign policy tactic. The strategy that lies in location rests in factors such as the intersection of trade routes, sharing of borders, and neighboring influence. These factors and many others

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