
The Devastating Power Of The Atomic Bomb

Decent Essays

How can the smallest particles in the universe create the most devastating weapon used to kill millions of Japanese? I introduce the Atomic Bomb. Built around WW2 and tested 16 July 1945 in white sands New Mexico. The Devastating power of the atomic bomb using what is called splitting the nuclei of the fissile elements in simpler words its basically splitting an atom hence the name the atomic bomb. The United States military built two bombs Little Boy and Fat Man the first bomb (Little boy) had what is called a gun type weapon that has an uranium core. Little boy was used on Hiroshima. The second bomb was named Fat Man and had a Implosion type device with a plutonium core.

The creation that led to the atomic bomb was created by Dr. Robert Oppenheimer who led the Manhattan Project which was the code name for the atomic bomb project for the U.S Military. The events that led to the invention of the atomic bomb was when Dr. Robert Oppenheimer discovered the fission (splitting) of heavy atoms nuclei and around this time the Germans were working on something lar but the Germans were not able to produce the bomb but U.S Were able to even the most devasting game changing weapon that eventually win the war. …show more content…

They only had 40 seconds to leave the drop zone or they could possible died from the shockwave but they survived the atomic bomb dropping. The bomb that was dropped in Hiroshima was the equivalent to 12,700 tons of TNT The bomb on Nagasaki was huge and was as powerful as 22,000 tons of TNT and after the bombings came up the moral question of nuclear war which lead us into what is called the Nuclear or atomic age. The devastating impact of the bomb was felt around the world. The use of Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and

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