
The Department Of Health ( Dh )

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The Department of Health (DH) (2010) agree with this and add that the communication can be written as well as face to face and state that it is a process between two individuals sharing meaningful information. According to Kourkouta and Papathsiou (2014) in order for communication to be effective, it must be clear and easy to understand, requiring the professional receiving the information to have an understanding of the service user and the experience communicated. O’Toole (2010) agrees and furthers this stating that the nurse must develop the core skill of not only understanding others but of also oneself.
Communication underpins every interaction between professionals and service users. It is vital to remember for this to be effective it is a two-way process that will help in the development of a professional relationship (National Health Service [NHS], 2015). Sheldon and Foust (2013) agrees but further this by stating effective communication also assists in health, growth and development. Communication is one of the six nursing core values known as the 6’C’s and is the foundation of the other five core values (Erica & Elaine, 2015). Higgs, Sefton, Street, McAllister & Hay (2005) agrees and further this by stating effective communication ensures the service user receives a positive outcome from medical professionals when accessing any medical assistance. Effective communication is not a skill that an individual acquires in daily life, therefore it is vital that

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