
The Dehumanization Of Surrogacy In The United States

Decent Essays

A surrogacy contract is a document signed by two people or parties that agree to traditional or gestational surrogacy, one side is getting monetary compensation while the other receives a child. Currently there is a sharp increase in the number of foreign inquiries into India in pursuit of finding a woman to be a surrogate, this can be seen as taking advantage of a poverty loomed country because the money is hard to turn away (Gentleman).The surrogacy market is estimated to bring in $445 million annually in India and is growing as the number of success stories (Warner). In the US the cost of surrogacy is approximately $75,000 to $80,000, however in India, where commercial surrogacy is legal the price comes to around $25,000, of which the …show more content…

Judith Warner criticizes commercial surrogacy especially in the case of India because it exploits the poor Indian women by taking advantage of their need for money and ability to grow a baby. Describing surrogacy as dehumanization Warner and Gentleman agree that a surrogate mother is a “mere host” that rents out her womb for money (Gentleman, Warner).Warner again criticizes surrogacy stating that there is “more to the process of carrying a baby and giving birth to it than being an incubator on legs” like the physiological and psychological factors that bind a mother and baby at birth (Warner). In Warner’s article she details images she has seen of pregnant women lined up in rows belly after belly as if they were industrial machines waiting to be examined.Gentleman backs up Warner’s statement on the women lined up in an industrial fashion by sharing that in one city fifteen women live together in a hostel attached to a clinic where they are looked after like property. In Gentleman’s article doctors try and ease the physiological and psychological factors by making the donor and surrogate are different women so there is less chance for a bond to occur, but that doesn’t always help and many women are left scared (Gentleman,

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