
The Definition Of Blind By Texas State University

Decent Essays

Diversity is usually portrayed as the acceptance of many different races and geographical cultures. It is not as common to hear the lack of diversity towards the blind community but it exists. The attendance of Texas State University has opened up the doors to one of the most diverse places I have had the chance to experience first-hand. Although Texas State has become somewhat of a safe-haven, that does not displace the fact that there is stereotyping everywhere against the blind.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of blind is “unable to see; sightless” (Definition of Blind in English, 2015). However, I do not like to be put in such a box. I define blindness as merely a heightening of other senses. What do you think of when you hear the word sight? More than likely you think of shapes, colors, and objects. My idea of sight consists of many senses; smell, touch, sounds, those are the things that I “see” with. How about the word blind; what do you think of then? The most common relation to the word blind is disabled; however, we are a very abled people. Even though I carry a cane among my person I get through my daily life just as any other able-bodied human being (Question 1).
My name is Melony Fey Harper and I am blind. I am just another girl on just another campus getting through just another day. There are a few differences, however, in the structure of a typical person’s day and my own. I wake up, brush my teeth, put on my makeup, and head downstairs

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