
The Declaration Of An Arab Identity Of A United Lebanon

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The Taif agreement tried to abolish sectarianism and declare an Arab identity of a united Lebanon; however, in practice it perpetuated sectarianism through confessionalism and restructuring the National Pact political system in Lebanon. It also failed to provide a concrete Arab identity or unified Lebanon in practice, instead sectarian identities prevailed.
The situation before the agreement
The Ta’if accords modify the “rules of the game” of prewar Lebanon but they do not change their basic character; they might even be making them worse.
Body 1: The Taif agreement perpetuated sectarianism through…
The Taif Agreement was the document that provided the basis for the ending of the civil war and the return to political the so called “normalcy” in Lebanon. It constituted a compromise among the Lebanese political parties and groups. The agreement defined the nation 's political system as a parliamentary democracy, based on the principles of separation, balance, and cooperation among the various branches of government. Most importantly it confirmed the unity of Lebanon and stated that the abolition of political sectarianism constitutes a basic national goal to be achieved according to a gradual scheme. However, this national goal has never been achieved. The Taif agreement both re-codified sectarianism and worked as a catalyst for it in practice. Sectarianism was mainly re-codified because the agreement implicitly ratified the National Pact of 1943 and

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