
The Debate On Minor Juvenile Court System

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Jury duty is one of the many obligations subjected on the adults within the American population. It is our social contract to uphold the responsibility of making the unbiased decision of finding someone innocent or guilty. Yet, would your decision on the punishment be altered based on the defendant’s age. The truth of the matter is cases like these are very common and poises a difficult decision for any party involved. Is that evil that lurks within the child’s eyes or ignorance of the value of life? So many question come to mind, but the most prominent question is how accountable is minor for crimes even as heinous as murder? The issue of whether minors should be tried as adults is a groundbreaking issues that consist of many different …show more content…

This scenario is one all too familiar to kids today or anyone who remembers being a kid for that matter. During your years of childhood you are continually reminded of the fact that you have no real control over your life. In a case like Timmy’s, a minor would not get to reap the reward of a material reward, therefore why would it be logical that he is able to receive maximum punishments for actions under law?
By law a minor in the U.S is classified as anyone being under the age of 18. Under the law minors are to be cared for by a legal guardian (Adult) that makes decisions that the minor cannot make by themselves. Minors have no control over the environment they grow up in or the things they are exposed to. Within the U.S it is common to find cities that have significantly higher rates of crimes compare to other cities. When examining the statistics of crimes in the U.S there is always a correlation with the economic status of the city and the rate of crime. Impoverish area are often found to be the areas with the most crimes and domestic disturbances. The fact that the minority groups often live in impoverish areas also correlate to what many see as a target on the back for minorities. Can a minor that lives in a crime filled city be blamed for being consumed by the crime they grew up with?
One of the strongest arguments for trying

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