
The Death Of The Dead

Decent Essays

Death is eminent; it is an inescapable part of our existence in life. The assurance of death leads people to want to know what happens after we leave this frail mortal life. What happens in our post life? Where do we go? What do we become? All these questions have been answered by a variety of cultures and religions. This essay will be discussing three of those cultures, and their religions to explain what happens to people after death. Cultures throughout time used their beliefs to prepare for death.
What did the Egyptians believe about death in the 16th Century? According to the Egyptians death is was just the start of a new journey. They needed to make preparations for the journey. The Book of the dead is a collection of spells, charms, passwords, numbers, and magical formulas that are to be used in the post death life. Before an individual could pass on to eternity they would be tried and tested by the Gods, so they used the information provided in the Book of the Dead to make the journey to the eternity’s. “The dead had to negotiate a dangerous underworld journey and face the final judgment before they were granted access. If successful, they were required to provide eternal sustenance for their spirit. These things could be achieved if proper preparations were made during a person’s lifetime (2009, Nov 11).” It’s interesting to note that the Egyptians didn’t believe the afterlife was for rest but just another life of work.
“The different Books of the

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