
The Daodejing Analysis

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The Daodejing by Laozi has simplified the way I interact with others, the way I see myself, and the way I want to live my life. I found myself being indulged by this piece of literature, despite the amount of times I had to re-read phrases due to my lack of understanding. After multiple failed attempts of comprehension and frustration, I settled with the idea that maybe I shouldn't contemplate it too much, instead approach the text, in the most simplistic way possible. The Daodejing changed my values and beliefs from being so perfect and chaotic to being simple and letting life flow.

The Daodejing is a Chinese piece of literature that was written by Laozi over 2,200 years ago. The text can be interpreted by others in so many ways, at times …show more content…

In the past, I would find myself valuing materialistic things and not much else. My life would be focused on doing things in order to obtain objects that I didn’t necessarily need. The Daodejing turned that around for me when it stated, "In a home it is the site that matters; In quality of mind it is depth that matters; In an ally it is benevolence that matters; In speech it is good faith that matters; In government it is order that matters; In affairs it is ability that matters; In action it is timeliness that matters. It is because it does not contend that it is never at fault" (Laozi 784). This is a powerful quote to me because all these things mentioned don't need materialistic things for them to be important. The quote made me realize that some of the most important things in a person's life does not need much but a developed human thought. When I say developed human thought, I refer to the brain reaching a conclusion on what should be done. A developed human thought can bring kindness, good faith, timeliness and depth. With all those characteristics you can strengthen the things around you. I know the Daodejing is focused around non-action, but this quote has brought me a strong sense of what I should be putting my attention towards in life. Instead of materialistic values guiding my way, there is easy and accessible traits within me that can help me reach my

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