
The Dangers of Plastic Surgery Essay

Decent Essays

Plastic surgery is becoming a widespread pandemic in the United States. More and more people everyday are electing to take this surgery which, for many people, is an unnecessary change to their body. People in this country and around the world need to realize the dangers and consequences of choosing this surgery. In the United States, there should be increased restrictions on plastic surgery because it would help people better understand the risks and stop some from taking the unnecessary surgery due to the associated health risks. Ever since its inception, the ads on television have portrayed men and women in certain a light. It is apparent in advertisements from the forties that women were expected to behave, act and look a certain …show more content…

Consumers like to buy the products that are advertised hoping that they will get the rewards and benefits it has to offer. What happens though when the consumer doesn’t want to simply use the product, but be the model using the product? This is where plastic surgery comes in. Plastic surgery has been around for decades but suddenly got a giant increase in business in the 1980s. In the 1980s, the number of plastic surgeons had quintupled since the previous two decades but there were not enough patients to satisfy the amount of doctors (Faludi 584). To solve this “crisis” the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons launched an ad campaign to show Americans how safe and easy plastic surgery really was! However, this ad campaign failed to mention the high cost of the surgery. While the surgeons would probably argue otherwise, the surgeries were, simply put, unnecessary. There is no reason to spend thousands of dollars on something that is not even needed. There are many people in this world who are uncomfortable with the way they look. Is this because they personally don’t like their looks or that they think society doesn’t like their look? For the majority of people, the answer is the latter. This may in fact be the reason that most people want plastic surgery done; to reconstruct themselves to fit more into society’s “norms”. There needs to be more restrictions on this

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