
The Dangerous Game: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

The illuminated moon opened up the night. It was shining bright down on the unconscious General. That night Rainsford had thrown him out the window, attempting to kill him, but with Zaroff’s success, did not. At first glance, a person could conclude Zaroff was dead, but from a first-person view, any man can see he was slowly with a light heart moving. “Ugh!...what happened? How did I get here? “Rainsford! Of course, but what have I done to him? Ah, yes, the hunt, he must have been upset with me to push me out a window. Yawn!…I think I’ll go back to sleep now, I need to rest for tomorrow.” Moreover, little did Zaroff know, tomorrow was going to be the worst day of his life. It was early in the morning, around 6:00 a.m, and Zaroff was still

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