
The Dairy Industry Is Humane

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Lillie Colville Honors English 10 Period 2 March 12, 2016 The Dairy Industry is Humane The agriculture industry, focusing on the dairy cattle industry, in the U.S.A. is humane and non-abusive. The Dairy Industry raises, breeds, and milks female dairy cattle. The cows are either bought from calf farms or born at the dairy in which they are raised to be about one or two years old until they are bred by a bull of their same breed. Then, once the heifers give birth, they are put into the milking process. According to “How much milk do cows give?”, these cows will produce anywhere from 18,000 pounds of milk per year to a record breaking 72,000 pounds per year. America has the fourth highest average milk production records which is 21, 335 pounds per year as of 2015(1). These cows are milked twice a day during their “fresh period” which is the 10 months after having a calf in which they are being milked. The cows then rest for two months and are bred and milked for another 10 months. Overall, milking cows in America live in the dairy industry for about six or seven years until they die naturally or are killed off due to being not profitable to the dairy world. Animals are used in the agricultural commodity industry due to their uses and lack of rights. Animal’s rights are lower than human’s rights due to the fact that animals brains are not as developed as humans and cannot express feelings; however, animals have basic rights to life and care from man (Rohr 20). Animals have

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