Trust is one of the most important aspects of life, this is exemplified in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, which provides an accurate example of autism and the importance of trust. Out of all the factors in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, trust is the most important. Christopher has a very unique way of thinking, due to the fact that he has autism. He thinks very logically and with intention. Because of this, there is no gray area in Christopher's mind, he either trusts someone completely, or not at all. This is evident when it became clear to Christopher that his father had murdered Wellington; he completely lost trust in his father. Trust is everywhere in the novel, if Christopher's father would have trusted …show more content…
. . Life is difficult, you know. It's bloody hard telling the truth all the time. Sometimes it's impossible.”-Mark Haddon(Page 120)In this Quote, Christopher's father is attempting to regain Christopher's trust by admitting to his faults and lies. This is a major breakthrough for the story, considering that Christopher didn't even want to be in the same room as his father, let alone talk to him. This shows the amount of progress that has been made simply by speaking the truth, and giving the opportunity to trust one another again. “I had to get out of the house”. Father had murdered Wellington. That meant he would murder me, because I couldn't trust him, even though he had said “Trust me,” because he had told a lie about a big thing.”-Mark Haddon(Page 122). This reiterates and supports the previous idea by giving a perspective on how much distrust Christopher had in his father, and now Christopher had to come to trust him again. The time that Christopher spent with his father solidifies the bond that he created with him. Which, in turn, makes it so hard for Christopher to trust him again. The longer you wait to disclose the lie, the more it will end up hurting …show more content…
Maybe, the outcome would be different if Christopher's father had told him to. All these factors lead to Christopher adopting complete distrust in his father, propelling the story as it was told in the book.”I said, “I'm going to live with my mother because Father killed Wellington and he lied and I'm frightened of being in the house with him”-Mark Haddon(Page 131). Some sources have accused The Curious Incident of the night time to be an inaccurate depiction of the way that children with autism think. In my personal experience, I do not find this to be true, to some degree. I have real world experience with children with autism. I volunteered to be a neurotypical subject for a study being done to further research on autism. During this time, I had many interactions with children with autism; and the time I spent reading the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, I made connections to the research I had previously participated in.“Children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience difficulty in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships.”-(Article
In trying to find out who murdered Wellington, Christopher uncovers a box containing letters from his mother addressed to him. Prior to this incident, Christopher’s father, Mr. Boone, told him that his mother passed away due to a heart attack while in the hospital. In addition, Christopher was unable to visit her. The date of the supposed death did not match up with the recent inscription on the letters, indicating his father lying about her death. Mr. Boone soon finds out about Christopher’s discovery, struggling to explain the situation: “I did it for your good, Christopher. Honestly, I did. I never meant to lie...I just thought
The book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, written by Mark Haddon, follows the story of a teenager named Christopher Boone suffering with autism. In the book, Christopher begins to search for the murderer of his neighbor’s dog, and while looking, he figures that it was, in fact, his father who lied to him and killed the dog. Christopher learns that this is not the only lie, and he learns that his dad has actually lied to him about the death of his mother, so out of fear for his safety, he goes on a journey to London seeking his long thought dead mother. Christopher, due to his autism, sees things in the world differently than other people. He has trouble feeling empathy and experiencing emotions,
This shows that when Father was honest with him, he would then try to acknowledge the truth to be able to understand why he did what he did, he would then be able to look back at all the times that Father has been good to him and weigh the bad and good of him as a father and may give him a second chance. Lastly, the conflict between Christopher and Father helps develop the theme when one realizes what to fix in order to show the value for the person. Father knows the tension he had caused by being dishonest, and by being honest, he was able to gain back trust from Christopher to show him that he valued their relationship. With that Father will learn how to value honesty in a relationship and show Christopher that he valued him as a person and their relationship as a whole. Therefore, the elements of the character of the father, the A-ha Moment of Christopher and the conflict develop the theme when in making an effort to heal a relationship, one must be truthful in order to show a sense of trust and value to the
Christopher took the tube in London and managed to find his way to his mother. Without Ed’s lie, Christopher would have never been able to learn as much as he did.
Christopher finally learns the truth about his mother, in chapters 149 when he discoverers that there are letters from his mother addressed to him from his mother revealing that she is actually alive. When he learns the truth, Christopher begins ignoring his father, despite all of his father’s attempts to get Christopher to trust him. However, Christopher isn’t necessarily angry with him, he just begins giving his father the silent treatment. In fact, Christopher is a little excited by the idea of this whole thing being another “mystery.” This is until Christopher learns something else and the answer of the first mystery is exposed. Christopher’s father admits that he murdered the dog. When he learns the truth, Christopher’s trust towards his father almost completely vanishes, which is clear in this quote “But I screamed and pushed him backward so that he fell off the bed and onto the floor” (Haddon, 122). His father began trying to make amends, but Christopher didn’t accept his apology. An inner anger was triggered inside of Christopher that caused him
In the book, the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime the main character, who lives with autism spectrum disorder, says “And I know I was brave and I wrote a book and that means I can do anything.” (pg 221) People who live with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often times suffer from many communication and other social roadblocks. Despite these roadblocks the individual's intelligence and ambition prevail and push those individuals thrive. Throughout history, there have been multiple influential and innovative scientist, researchers ad engineers that live with ASD. One of the most influential being, Temple Grandin, who engineered new humane ways for livestock in the agriculture industry and had gone on to be a motivational speaker and written books about living with her disease. Christopher Boone, the narrator in the novel, the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, is on the same track that Temple Grandin was once on. In many instances individuals with autism are seen as being incapable of achieving higher education and using their intelligence to make any sort of change. People like Temple Grandin and Christopher Boone change this stereotype and use their ambition and intelligence against all odds. In order to reach the fullest potential in society, the world must have different kinds of minds, ambitious young people and must understand all aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
It’s obvious that Christopher finds comfort in the facts, they make him feel like he somewhat understands life and that he’ll be okay so for him, the truth consists of facts. This is also why he was so fascinated by being a detective and made it his life goal to figure out who killed Mrs. Shear’s dog only to have everything come crashing down. He feels in control when he has all the answers and no one can take that away from him. Math, his hobby and equalizer, is very easy for him to grasp because the answers are unchanging.
At the beginning of the novel he says, “This book will not be funny. I cannot tell jokes because I cannot understand them.” Not only can Chris not tell jokes, but he also can’t determine or express human emotion. When his mother was in the hospital, he wanted to visit her because he liked the uniforms and machines in hospitals, not because she was sick. On the day she died, he noted in his journal his Scrabble score, and that he ate Spaghetti for dinner. This was rather disturbing to read; it was difficult not to be angry and disgusted with Chris for not mourning the loss of his mother. It is, however, essential to remember that he does not know any better, and couldn’t process his own feelings of sadness. I then felt sorry for Christopher; the severity of his disease was shown when he wasn’t even capable of feeling anything when his own mother died. Even though emotions can be tormenting, it is far worse to feel nothing than to feel pain.
Father is a Deceitful and aggressive, even though he is truthful with Christopher he tells lies, but Christopher sometimes doesn't follow his fathers words which can lead him to loosing his temper easily. Towards the end of the book, Christopher finds out that his father has been hiding these letters from Christopher for two years. Then come to find out that father has confessed he has killed Wellington out of pure anger when Mrs. Shears cared more about that dog. Father said,"I did it for your good, Christopher. Honestly I did.
He believes he is able to achieve anything he desires like that goal since he went on a journey, which solved a murder mystery and found his mother. Christopher, an autistic kid, had overcome many challenges in that journey. His confidence in his own abilities to do anything like reaching his goals is justified, but it is accomplished with wrong methods. It has been argued that Christopher should not be confident that he has the abilities to do
Those with special needs encounter a number of obstacles on a daily basis, which will not seem like a problem for those who do not have any similar issues and experiences. Autism is a disorder which makes a person act a bit unusual in situations. In society, if one with autism does an action that is not normal, everyone judges them. In this world, no one takes into consideration all the obstacles autistic people face. The novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, written by Mark Haddon, is about a male who has autism and has to encounter many obstacles due to it.
Have you ever felt misunderstood or isolated from the people around you, just because you’re different from them? In Mark Haddon’s “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”, the main character and protagonist, Christopher Boone, is a 15 year old boy who struggles to cope with the effects of Autism. Although Mark Haddon never directly expresses that Christopher has autism, it is very easy to realize that Christopher is different than most people. And because of that, and through Christopher’s self-narration, readers are quick to realize that he struggles with Autism. When a person has Asperger’s Syndrome their skills are different than people without Asperger’s Syndrome. In the novel, Christopher Boone is accurately portrayed as someone with Asperger’s Syndrome by him having social impairments such as repetitive routines, trouble with social interactions and socially inappropriate behavior, and always feeling the need to have a logical reasoning and explanation for the events in his life. This is often is found in people with autism (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). Other reasonings to prove that Christopher has Autism include, the need for trust and the inability of showing emotion.
The minds of people with autism, asperger's, and other such disabilities can seem like impenetrable traps; however, in his novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon gives readers a peek into those minds. Christopher is the book’s narrator, a fifteen year old boy with asperger’s syndrome, who goes on a journey to find out who killed his neighbor's poodle. Along the way Christopher also learns about himself, his family, and he gives the readers a chance to learn about him and others like him. In his novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, Mark Haddon uses Christopher’s descriptions of his own emotions and the way he perceives the emotions of others to create a door into a type of mind that readers would not normally have access to. Christopher’s descriptions of his own feelings of confusion and sadness give the readers insight into other minds like his.
While writing the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, I think Mark Haddon had many purposes that he was trying to get across. One of these purposes is bringing attention to the stereotypes of developmental disabled children. An example of this is the fact that Christopher has a mild form of autism, but is incredibly gifted in math. Most people usually have the idea that kids with disorders have a lesser level of intelligence than the average person, but in this story, it clearly proves that point wrong. Christopher, in fact, is the first person in his entire school to do an A level. He has the highest level of intelligence in the subject of math, making him smarter than what people would think. His autism affects his social skills,
Although Christopher’s father occasionally loses his temper, his incredible patience undeniably proves that he is the better caregiver for Christopher. A few years ago, Christopher’s father falsely informed him that his mother had passed away, but failed to tell Christopher the truth. In actuality, Christopher’s mother had an affair and left their family. Christopher recently discovered that his mother, who he believed was dead, has been writing him letters. In one of the letters, Christopher’s mother writes to Christopher, explaining why she left them.