
The Crucible - Was The Mass Hysteria Necessary? Essay

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In The Crucible, there was a lot of senseless behavior. The purpose of The Crucible is to educate the reader on the insanity that can form in a group of people who think they are judging fairly upon a group of people. Judge Hawthorne believes what he is told by certain people is the truth even if little evidence is to be shown. The young girls with Abigail convince Hawthorne of others being witches so that Abigail can get what she wants, John Proctor, also so that Abigail does not blackmail the girls. The Crucible by Authur Miller investigates the effects of hysteria, superstitions and repression on the Salem Community in the late 1600’s. Author Miller, 1915- was born in New York City and graduated from Abraham High School in Brooklyn, …show more content…

In A View From the Bridge (1955; Pulitzer Prize) Miller studies a Sicilian-American longshoreman whose unacknowledged lust for his niece destroys him and his family. All My Sons (1947), Incident at Vichy (1965), The Price (1968), The Creation of the World and Other Business (1972), The Ride down Mount Morgan (1991), and Broken Glass (1994). His screenplay, The Misfits (1961); television dramas, Playing for Time (1980) and Clara (1991); His novel, Focus (1945); and a study of the Soviet Union, In Russia (1969), Arthur Miller’s last book written was his autobiography Time bends: A Life. (Kennedy Center)       Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is a play about the Salem witch trials in 1692. these were classic examples of mass hysteria, resulting in the hanging of a great many respectable men and woman of charges of dealing with the devil. They were convicted by people at least as respectable as themselves, largely on the evidence of many young girls lead by Abigail William’s, who had been caught dancing in the moonlight and laid their rakish behavior to the influence of Satan. Many innocent people were accused and convicted of witchcraft on the most absurd testimony, the testimony of Abigail and the other girls blaming whom they wanted to, so that they were not seen as witches. Descent citizens who signed petitions vouching to the good character of the accused friends and

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