
The Crucible Red Scare Analysis

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The red scare was a time where America was scared of Communist USSR, the other rival for power. There was a committee, formed in 1938, to search for possible communists in the United States. McCarthy, who was an important politician at the time began accusing prominent figures, politicians, entertainers, who beliefs were “communist- like”. McCarthy once stated “Where those who were born with every possible advantage are the ones who have been most traitorous”. He is trying to say, that those who grown up with more advantages are more likely to get greedy and then become traitors. “McCarthy addressed the Senate and made a list of questionable claims. His proof was flimsy and he proved nothing, but the Senate called for a full investigation of these "communists’” ”. He is saying that McCarthy accused people who held important positions in the government and in the army. McCarthy then brought his list of “communist” to the Senate. Both, The Crucible and in the red scare innocent people was accused and punished even when those people were innocence. The Crucible is a fictional play that tells the story of Salem witch trials. It focuses on how mass hysteria can quickly destroy a whole community. In this play the characters forced to confess to a crime they did not commit or be punish for contempt of court. The author, Arthur Miller, wrote this play in response to the “red scare”, because he was accused of being a communist. In this play, the rumors are important, since the whole

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