
The Crucible Play Analysis

Decent Essays

Often times classic books and plays are turned into a movie, film, or live action play. This allows readers of that story to have a visual representation of what they tried to imagine and comprehend. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is a play that is focused on the ignorance and ideas during the Salem Witch trials. It shows how illogical thinking and hatred can cause a mass hysteria. This can sometimes lead to casualties. It shows how people grow power hungry, judge on another, and jump to conclusions. Arthur Miller goes into detail about specific characters and gives the reader a clear understanding of them, while the stage play only puts the story and characters into the director or actors’ perspectives which is why the written, original play is better than the Civic Theatre’s stage performance. In the written play’s prologue, Arthur Miller provides insight into John Proctor and his issues, character, and life so that the reader does not begin the play hating him. John Proctor is a married man who had an affair with Abigail Williams. He struggles with forgiveness and his relationship with his wife, and is trying to fix the mess that he has created but Abigail is making everything worse. On stage the audience has to gather information about him as the play goes along and must decide by the end of the play whether not they like or dislike him. Since the audience of the onstage play must gather information by themselves, they may miss vital ideas of John’s character and may

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