
The Crucible Mob Mentality

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Are We Vulnerable to Superstition and Herd Mentality? Humans will do things in a crowd they would not even think about doing on their own! This is because they have the power of the crowd supporting them, plus the people around them give a feeling that what they are doing is acceptable. The “power of the crowd” is known as mob or herd mentality. A mob mentality can be created by Social media, especially through the internet, because users can find support from the others who share their views and they feel free of social restraints under a sense of anonymity. (Grant) Two notable occasions of “mob mentality” that affected United States citizens occurred in 1692 against so-called “witches” and in the 1950s against suspected communist. The United States in 2017 is vulnerable to the same kind of superstitious fears of “mob mentality” …show more content…

The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials, written in 1953 as an allegory to the McCarthy “witch hunts” against communism. Both the Salem and McCarthy “witch hunts” created a “mob mentality” through fear that led to trials against the accused. The girls in The Crucible, when they were discovered dancing naked in the woods and having fits, claimed that witches were responsible for their “sickness.” The powerful personality of one of the girls, Abigail, created a kind of hysteria in the other girls that led them to point fingers at specific women in Salem. After the doctor confirmed the girls were possessed, the gossipy, witch-phobic town increased the hysteria to a “herd mentality.” The Salem officials used the flimsiest

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