
The Crucible: Joh John Proctor As A Tragic Hero

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John Proctor was a pillar of Salem’s community. Then, at the end of The Crucible, he swings from a rope. Why has his circumstances changed so much? The answer is simple: he is a tragic hero. A tragic hero is a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat. They exhibit Hamartia (a tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero), Hubris (excessive pride), Peripeteia (the reversal of fate the hero experiences), Anagnorisis (a moment in time when hero makes an important discovery in the story), Nemesis (a punishment that the protagonist cannot avoid, usually occurring as a result of his hubris). The traits of a tragic hero are used to make the tragic hero take on a last trait: Catharsis (feelings of pity and fear felt by the audience, for the inevitable downfall of the protagonist). …show more content…

His Hubris comes from his circumstance at the beginning of the play, when he is a pillar of his community (Salem). He has many acres of land, a rich wife, and sixteen kids. But his wife is old and cold, and he cannot overcome his temptations (his tragic flaw, or Hamartia) which (in play) prompts lechery with Abigail Williams. These basic events cause his downward spiral towards doom, or Peripeteia; it first starts when makes an important discovery that his maid has proof that Abigail is a fraud in the form of a poppet (Anagnorisis). With this help, he goes to the court to expose Abigail. The court is disbelieving of his story, and wife is called on to prove John is a lecher (this would have proven Abigail was a fraud, and prevent John’s

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