
The Crucible Character Analysis

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The play The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is set in Salem, Massachusetts during the time where Puritan society was infatuated with the mass hysteria of witchcraft and the denial of an individual having the right to make their own judgment. The fear of plotting against the court develops an idealistic credence that God is always on one’s side and challenging this theocracy means plotting against God and the values of a Puritan society. Throughout the prevalence of the Salem Witch Trials, characters are juxtaposed to highlight each other’s key qualities and distinguish between the concept of good versus evil. In the play, Giles Corey and Thomas Putnam serve as foils; Miller includes them in the play to illustrate that someone who is immoral is often appointed a higher status than someone who is moral.
Miller establishes the characters of Giles Corey and Thomas Putnam as foils, being that Corey is honorable and Putnam is dishonorable. Thomas Putnam’s intense desire for land further develops as he begins to fabricate false claims of witchcraft in order to steal the land of those who he accuses. Putnam’s bitterness towards the majority of Salem allows him to create a sense of entitlement, in which he believes will satisfy his needs of receiving the respect he desperately craves from everyone around him. As Putnam disputes Rebecca Nurse’s charitable approach of dealing with the mass hysteria of witchcraft, he calls attention to his intellectual superiority by referring to himself

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