
The Crucible As An Allegory Of Mccarthyism

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Michael Meng
Mr. Casagrande
English III Honors
14 October 2015
The Crucible Essay The Crucible is a dramatic and fictional play that was written by American author Arthur Miller during the time period of McCarthyism in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Due to the fear of internal communist subversion that reached a nearly historical pitch; The U.S. Government investigated and also falsely accused many of its federal employees such as author Arthur Miller. Miller has written the Crucible as allegory of McCarthyism to declare his dissatisfaction of the government. He believed justice should still be existed in the court system even though it was influenced by trends such as anti-communism and religion.
Most of the people lived in Salem were puritans, therefore religion plays a very important role in the everyday life of Salem. The Puritans practiced their own kind of Christianity based a set of rules: you have to go to church …show more content…

Because the justice system of Salem was based on a theocracy government, so local religious authorities felt the need to do God’s work of justice. This somehow led them to believe that God protects children by “speaking” through them, therefore the court’s justice believed that anything said by children were the truth. In the Crucible Abigail Williams was using this opportunity to get to John Proctor by lying about his wife Elizabeth which then results in Abby accusing Elizabeth of practicing witchcraft and communicating with the devil. Elizabeth was sentenced to death and here is the proof of John Proctor trying to proof her wife’s innocence by revealing Abigail’s true intentions “She thinks to dance with me on my wife's grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore's vengeance, and you must see it now”.

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