* With this in mind, I reside in the picturesque scenic province of Southern Ontario, Canada. Thus, I have been passionately fascinated in the creative medium art form of photography, along with it as an approach to self-expression.
* To point out, ever since my early childhood recollections. By truly obtaining my photographic inspiration & enthusiasm from my late uncle of both acquiring the knowledge of photo shootings & traditional analog Darkroom procedures.
* In addition, my affirming late dear parents that facilitated the setup of my basement workshop darkroom & energize my photo-shooting talents, my phenomenal inspire brother, and notably my endearing, charming elegant Anastasiya whose encouragements and wisdom are without equal.
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To be sure that visually catches my imaginative photographic insightful eye.
* Accordingly, as I proceeded in my photographic pursuits, I diligently practice seeing fine pictures, to sharpen my senses to my surroundings. Thus, spontaneously beginning to notice those small detail elements, their dynamic movements, the variety of colours, not to mention the projecting highlights, mid tones, and their cast shadows. Indeed, letting the subject speak to me for revealing the best possible techniques in capturing these images, to selectively focusing on the subject, striving to isolate it from a distracting or nonessential background. Thereupon, looking uniquely for those strong shapes, spatial relationships, colour balances, striking lines, and their distinct patterns.
* That is to say, through my years of experimentation. I am especially embracing that photography is an artistic voyage of revelations. I am a firm believer that, true to life natural light is always my uppermost best friend. Especially appreciating those beautifully enhance contrast, bold art forms of the black & white print media. Along with the breathtaking variety of vivid, colourful hues in the finished colour print outlays.
* To emphasize, when touring and exploring various outdoor locations. I am particularly searching for that distinctive naturally magical artistic aspect of people. In effect, freezing and capturing their unique, priceless moments of
Caitlyn Hatch is a twenty year old student from Amherst, Massachusetts, who spends her weekends roaming abandoned buildings all over the western part of the state. What she does in these buildings is take photographs, however, she has not always been interested in the medium. Photography had never been her first choice for what she would possibly study at university, and she never imagined it as being something she would want to pursue professionally. Originally, she was intent on being a graphic designer. She had begun to play around with an online photoshop app, editing pictures taken by other people and was sure graphic design was for her, that is, until she got her first camera. She got her first camera at age fourteen for Christmas, one of the big black Nikon digital cameras. While she had never seriously considered photography before, she began to play around with her new camera. The novelty of it all coupled with the support of her father, who himself was an amateur nature photographer throughout his twenties, started the fire in her to take up this art and learn as much about it as she could.
The authors tell the reader that a picture must be interpreted like an essay or piece of writing. The motive and goal of the author or photographer must be figured out.
“Every time you dream at night, the dream has holes in it. You have to do something to fix those holes and make the dream become a reality,” my father often told me. Although I was very young when my dad passed away, he provided tremendous inspiration and encouragement to pursue my passions that continue to influence my life and my future endeavors. As a child, one of my favorite pastimes was acting; I would routinely act in videos with my friend while my dad filmed us. Later, I assumed responsibility for filming while my friend would act. I instantly fell in love with videography. I was enthralled with how videography could capture my point of view of the world, which prompted me to try photography. Once I began photography, I knew I wanted
created a sense of mystery in the photographs, which overall added to the project. Because
TXT- Her pictorialist images evoke great beauty by focusing strongly on the subject’s surface and see the precise details of every aspect in the
studied various art mediums to explore creative talents. In my junior year, I decided to
I grew up alongside the wild Rocky Mountain Columbines, where the air is crisp and the winters are long. I spent my time engaging in the arts such as acting, writing, and creating. From a young age I was drawn to the world of imagination and found happiness through producing art. We all face and over come challenges within our lives and whenever I am faced with hardship I find comfort in visually expressing myself.
When going for a walk, a person takes in the beauty around them. On this particular day, the refulgent sun is extra bright, making the sky a perfect blue. White, puffy clouds fill the sky, slowing moving at their own pace. The wind is peacefully calm, making the trees stand tall and proud. There is no humidity in the air. As this person walks down the road, they see a deer with her two fawns. The moment is absolutely beautiful. Moments like this happen only once in a great while, making us wanting to stay in the particular moment forever. Unfortunately, time moves on, but only if there were some way to capture the day’s magnificence. Thanks to Joseph Niépce, we can now capture these moments and others that take our breath away. The
I was, of course, too young to understand the attributes of a good photography at age fourteen, but I would still flip out my phone at all times of the day and snap pictures of anything that seemed interesting. As time went on, I started to understand what made a good photo and what didn’t. I learned to shoot people in the shade on sunny days to avoid strong shadowing, to leave “breathing room” for objects not facing directly towards the camera, to use grid lines in order to balance a photo, and so on. Photography became the first passion I had for learning more outside of school, and I longed to learned as much as I could. I soon became even more excited about travelling because I knew there would be brand new landscapes and cities to capture. I came to see that there was a specific patience to taking pictures in new places. I would always be twelve steps behind my family as I would continually pause to raise up my camera and quickly set up for a seemingly good
Early Landscape photography used the same principles as painters in order to create pieces of art. Before the 18th Century, artists used landscapes as backdrops and as a frame for the principal subject. Towards the later part of the century, however, artists such as Nicolas Poussin started to romanticize the environment, instead using it as a principle subject in paintings.
While others claim that photography captures the inner soul of a person, or deliberately defines it as painting or writing with light, but in my case, it is just simply a newfound love hobby. I undeniably adore and look up to expert photographers I encounter down the road may it face-to-face or the other way around. In my heart, I silently desire that someday, with hard work, determination, and perseverance, I will become professional and famous as they are. Since my husband bought a Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) as an anniversary gift, my penchant for photography commenced and ignited. Let me detail the essential truths behind my passion over photography.
This is a Book that entails Kiki Smith’s never-seen images. The artist (Kiki Smith) gives insight to how her work was processed. And how she was moved in the direction, as far as scheme of colors and so forth. Allowing viewers to have a vivid eye on how and why she did the things she did when taking her
In the world we live in today, anyone can pick up a handheld video camera and record their son’s soccer game or daughter’s school play, but to really capture the beauty of an event takes true talent. It takes the expertise of a cinematographer or director of photography as they are also known, to capture the true essence of an event and scene. Thomas Edison even once said, “By faithfully reproducing and kind or type of movement, it [cinematography] constitutes man’s most astonishing victory to date over forgetfulness. It retains and restores the things memory alone can’t recover, not to mention its auxiliary agencies: the written page, drawing photography. … Like them, cinematography prevents the things of yesterday that are useful to tomorrow’s progress from sinking into oblivion; amongst these one must count moving things, which only a few years ago were considered impossible to fix in an image” (Neale, 54). A picture, whether it be a photographed image or a filmed image is nothing when it has not been looked at with the proper eyes. When expressed through the proper lens and eye an image can really be worth a thousand words.
"Close all shutters and doors until no light enters the camera except through the lens, and opposite hold a piece of paper, which you move forward and backward until the scene appears in the sharpest detail. There on the paper you will see the whole view as it really is, with its distances, its colours and shadows and motion, the clouds, the water twinkling, the birds flying. By holding the paper steady you can trace the whole perspective with a pen, shade it and delicately colour it from nature."
As a photography major, it was never clear to me on why I had to take a drawing class. I dreaded each class because of the known fact that I didn’t possess the skills to be a good drawer. When speaking to friends and family, I would always complain to them saying, “I’m going to fail this class. I have no idea why I have to take these drawing classes.” As the quarter went on and the more I learned about the different drawing techniques such as the use of lighting to create interesting shadows or the use of color to create a sense mood and emotion, I began to realize the parallels that drawing and photography have.